diplomas valued by recruiters

Study abroad: diplomas valued by recruiters


Attracted by graphics but failed in Fine Arts and Decorative Arts, Alice only had the choice between overpriced and more or less rated private schools. Until she heard about Central Saint Martins in London on the L’Etudiant website. A top-level multidisciplinary training, accessible online via Ucas (the equivalent of our post-bac Admission) and requiring 6.5 in the IELTS English test, i.e. a good high school level. His price ? 12,500 euros. High, but with competitive student loans offered by the UK government. An investment that this Normande knows profitable in view of the job offers posted on the school’s website …

So, like Alice, you don’t want to go through the preparatory box, university doesn’t inspire you with confidence, the private sector seems too expensive for an average diploma, do you have a good level of English? Capital has selected around twenty foreign training courses that will allow you, with your diploma in hand, to make a difference.

In France, business schools face more and more competition. Our video looks at the new challenges they must overcome to keep their rank: (Click on the image to watch the video)


91% of students believe that doing all or part of their studies abroad increases their chances of getting a job, according to OpinionWay (September 2015)

65,000 young French people go each year to study in another OECD country, which is, in proportion, much less than the Germans or Koreans.


French training courses are little recognized abroad, even if institutions dedicated to developers such as Epitech or school 42 are making a breakthrough. For high school graduates, expatriation can therefore be a good option, especially as an English-speaking diploma will open doors internationally without closing them in France.

– University of Toronto (Canada)

Admission conditions: Application via the Ouac site (equivalent to our post-bac or APB Admission system), on file.

English level required: 6.5 at IELTS.

Accommodation: Student residence, from 9,000 to 15,000 euros / year.

Scholarships: Up to 5,500 euros awarded by the University of Toronto, many private scholarships.

Health coverage: 500 euros of university health coverage.

Our opinion: Ranked in the top 30 worldwide, the University of Toronto offers a very wide range of specializations allowing throughout the course to best meet the expectations of the labor market. The many scholarships and opportunities for odd jobs help offset high tuition fees.

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The University of Toronto is 24th in the world in the Shanghai ranking.

– University of Edinburgh (Scotland)

Admission conditions: Application on Ucas (equivalent of our APB), 14/20 for the bac, with a minimum of 14/20 in three subjects relating to the chosen program.

Tuition cost: 2,500 euros / year.

Level of English required: 6.5 at IELTS or 92 at TOEFL.

Accommodation: Student residence, between 1,000 and 1,200 euros / month.

Scholarships: Not eligible for university scholarships. Possibility of grants from private foundations.

Small jobs: Work opportunities on campus.

Health coverage: The local NHS security, or the European health insurance card, free and valid for two years.

Our opinion: Outpaced in the European top only by Cambridge, Oxford and the Polytechnic of Zurich (ETH), the UE outclasses them in the field of research. A popular student destination, the Scottish capital has everything to seduce.

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