
French schools and bilingual French-English programs in Australia


Thirteen of these schools are grouped around AAFEBS , the association of French-English bilingual schools in Australia.

The agency for French education abroad (AEFE) grants scholarships to French children enrolled in approved establishments, subject to resources and within the limit of the corresponding budget.
An allocation scale is set by the AEFE according to the economic and social situation of each country. The scholarships are managed by the Consulate General of France in Sydney.

For Australia, the establishments concerned are:

the French school of Melbourne / Caulfield Junior College
the kindergarten French Australian Red Hill in Canberra
the Franco-Australian high school in Canberra / Telopea Park School
Auburn High School in Melbourne
Tingalpa State School in Brisbane
Below is the list of public or private schools in Australia that provide bilingual French-English education by State / Territory:

AEFE approved establishment From the Petite Section to the Terminale

Inaugurated on February 22, 1989, the Lycée Condorcet, a French school in Sydney, is a mixed, private establishment approved both by the French Ministry of National Education and by the Education Standards Authority of New South Wales (NSW ESA ), and under agreement with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE).
All levels from the nursery school to the terminal are approved and the establishment is also authorized to accommodate a limited number of international students (CRICOS) from the large section to the terminal.

The school is educating 900 students in 2017 and accommodates an educational and administrative team of 125 people.

Admission is decided:

without exam for pupils coming from an approved French establishment
after a period of immersion in the level corresponding to the student’s age group for others
Due to a significant increase in registration requests, some classes (mainly cycles 1 and 2) may have a waiting list. There is a charge for education and a grant for students of French nationality can, under certain conditions, be obtained from the AEFE. The Consulate General is at your disposal for any information on this matter.

The school is engaged in a bilingual education program throughout the course. A European section has been open since 2015 and all students take the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) in CM2 and the Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) in first.
All of the high school’s programs, projects and activities are presented on the establishment’s website.

Killarney Heights Public School and FANS (The French speaking Association of the North Shore)

FrancEducation Label Network
From the Grande Section (Kindergarten) to the 6th (year 6)

Since 1999 there has been a bilingual program (from Kindy / Grande section to Year 6 / 6ème inclusive) at Killarney Heights Public Primary School in North Sydney. 24 bilingual classes are currently operating covering all Australian primary years.

This program is organized in partnership between the school and the Association francophone du North Shore (FANS). French-speaking and English-speaking children have two qualified teachers, one English-speaking, the other French-speaking. They are present and teach at the same time, one in French and the other in English. The French-speaking teacher works intensively in French with French-speaking children only for 5 hours per week. Then, all students in the class have 7 hours of bilingual instruction (in both languages, covering non-linguistic disciplines). The Australian curriculum is taught. A French-speaking student therefore has 50% of the time in French or bilingual and 50% in English only.

In 2012, the school received the Label Franc Education, accreditation awarded by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and managed by the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE). 14 French-speaking teachers are employed by the association and the program is financed by contributions from parents ($ 3100 / $ 4200 / year). The establishment’s labeling was renewed in 2015.

For more information on the Killarney Heights bilingual program:

Taren Point Elementary School launched an immersion program for Kindy / Grande section students in 2018.The program was developed in partnership with FASS – Francophone Association of Southern Sydney. A French language teacher works as a team with the class teacher to teach the Australian curriculum in French, up to 4 hours per week. The French teacher is funded by the school, the Association des Parents d’Élèves, and the parents.
In addition to the Kindy program, all the pupils of the school, until the 6th grade (Year 6) learn French for one hour per week.

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