What Is The Ideal Time To Start Preparing For IPMAT, CUCET, Etc.?
Competition is part of our existence to this world and it is no exception for children. Being a student, you need to understand the reality...
The Importance of Security Guards in School Security
With the increase in school shootings, schools are now hiring security guards to protect their students and staff. A security guard is a person who...
French schools and bilingual French-English programs in Australia
Thirteen of these schools are grouped around AAFEBS , the association of French-English bilingual schools in Australia. The agency for French education abroad (AEFE) grants...
Distance education by the CNED (National Center for Distance Education)
Parents or guardians of children residing in Australia wishing to register their children at the CNED have four options: - Option 1: full class with...
The Australian education system
Sitting on a chair, Ben Ranacher patiently waits his turn, devouring a sandwich. With a headset fitted with a microphone on his head, he pressed...
Dare to Be Different in English: 5 Powerful Steps You need to take
We learn our native language by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in that order. A complete understanding of a language requires mastery of the four...
Know everything before going to study abroad
While it is obvious that mastering the language of the host country is an advantage, many foreign establishments offer lessons in English . Be careful,...